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You can read this post in english HERE. Statt eines monatlichen Rückblicks habe ich heute eine wunderbare Neuigkeit zu verkünden: Liebesbotschaft wird es ab sofort parallel IN ENGLISCHER SPRACHE geben! Und zwar HIER. So, wie bereits manche der Posts…


The new center

Another post in english:  written by me and translated by my amazing friend Frauke! Enjoy! Thanks to my lousy organisation of housekeeping (“organisation of housekeeping“? I don’t even HAVE that.), often times so much ironing piles up that the…

DIY, English_Posts

Masking tape – storage – DIY – IN ENGLISH!

Another post especially for my english-speaking-readers: enjoy! (Und für alle anderen: lest das ruhig auch! Und lernt für’s Leben! Ich mach das doch hier nicht zum Spaß…) Spring on the desk within one hour? Want this as well? Then…


My wish list for 2013 – now available in English!

Dear english-speaking readers! I’m proud to introduce great news to you: from now on, selected posts from my blog will be available in English! This is the one for January – I’m going to choose one for February as soon as possible.…