
My wish list for 2013 – now available in English!

Dear english-speaking readers!
I’m proud to introduce great news to you:
from now on, selected posts from my blog will be available in English!

This is the one for January – I’m going to choose one for February as soon as possible.
So enjoy reading and stay tuned!

Heute habe ich eine Überraschung für euch:
ab sofort wird es ausgewählte Posts aus meinem Blog auch in englisch geben!
Liebesbotschaft goes internäschonal!

Den Anfang macht ein Post vom Januar, den meine deutschsprachigen Leser bereits kennen: nun darf der Rest der Welt in den Genuss kommen, den genauen Wortlaut zu erfassen ;-).

Bevor Ihr mir für die perfekte Übersetzung Respekt zollt:
Mei Inglisch is not se yellow from se egg, so my friend Evelyn did it for me!
Sänk ju so matsch!

wish list for 2013

you want me to tell you what I am wishing for?
much that when thinking of it, I fall asleep smiling and dream about
it at night?
going to tell you.
want that reading me makes you smile and takes away all pressure and
stress from you.
want to make you laugh out loud and that reading me makes all worries
and challenges that you’ve got to face so small you can’t even
find them at all.
want everything heavy, sad, depressing and dispiriting to leave you
at that very second you meet me (even if it’s only virtual 😉 )
want you to be inspired, easy and relaxed after having spent only 5
minutes here.
just drops away from you and you are getting easy, easy, eeeeeeasy –
no matter what your circumstances look like!
wish that you get many new ideas and that joy increases in your daily
I want you to be happy about the small and simple things. About
all the beauty that surrounds you. About every person you meet. About
yourself, 24/7, 8 days a week!
want you to discover the greatest and most exciting adventure that
there is: Yourself!
want you to love being yourself so much that you would never walk in
anybody else’s shoes.
want to help you see your own uniqueness – wow, if I was not
MYSELF, I would love to be YOU!
want everything to please and entertain you, and nothing to bind or
manipulate you.
wish that you can enjoy everything and that nothing can frighten you.
wish that you’re unapologetic about everything that you do and do
not waste a single moment trying to please people around you and to
meet their expectations. 
You are NOT tame and inconspicuous, you are
NOT the one to avoid everything that differs from average to make
sure you do not attract attention! 
All this is NOT you, not at all!

want to see how my love relieves you so deeply that you finally do
what your heart burns for and what you are born for.
does not matter whether anybody can imagine it works. It does not
matter if they mock you because your dream is over their heads.
want you to flourish, to take a deep breath and to reach out, deeply
convinced in every single second:
world – it’s me you’ve been waiting for, and here I am now!”
just want to see you free.
of the past, free from people (even from your children whom you love
soooo much and who are totally absorbing you), free from
circumstances (they can change every day – maybe you’ll win a
voyage tomorrow, who knows?), free from other people who don’t love
you anyway (it is not your business what they think about you), just
free, free, free!
really want you to feel how much I love you, and I want my love to be
a launch pad to catapult you into a very new dimension!
when you fly, I will be standing there, watching you as happy as can
be (I will jump for joy and clap my hands, how could I stand still at
something so beautiful!).
want to see how you get things started, how you enjoy every moment of
your life, how you overcome difficulties and how your talents flower
out with every step. I wish so much that you realize how unique you
are and that it would be a disaster if YOU were not here right now!
want you to become conscious of how precious you are: 
You should be
overwhelmed by everything good, 
and LOVED from top to toe in every single
moment – Because. You.
Are. Worth. It!
for your skills or because you did something really good – just for
being you!

want our hearts to be deeply connected so that you can feel me and my
love fills you any time you want it to – even if we never met face
to face.
want you to feel MOST loved, sheltered and comfortable with every
breath that you take (and also if you hold your breath, what I would
recommend when you’re under water or opening the organic waste
container in the summer).
could make me happier than to know that you live entirely, freely,
venturously and successfully.
I should ever have to kick your ass or tell you an inconvenient truth
right to the face to bring you on the right track, then I would just
do it. And in case you need somebody to console you and to kiss away
your tears – I will always be there!
will write whatever it takes to bring you there, even if some people
will get mad about it because they do not understand it. I don’t
mind, for only YOU and your happiness count for me!
the only thing that makes sense is that I set a good sample, I am
leading the way for you, and you just follow me. Why should you
reinvent the wheel?
you know what my wishes are.

baby, please make them come true, and never let anybody tell you that
you could not succeed, you were not special, everything was going to
go wrong for you, etc. etc. 
Not your past, not your present difficult
circumstances, not even your own thoughts and feelings may tell you
Do it for me, will you?
me smile and decide never to move beneath your level by worrying,
being afraid, feeling sorry for yourself or doubting yourself. 
don’t dig dirt anymore, you don’t believe those who do not love
you (maybe they call it “love”, but in effect they only
manipulate you to have you meeting their expectations and project
their own view on you).
me proud, my love, and enjoy this day as if it was the happiest
you’ve ever experienced in your entire life! 
do it, nobody can deter you from it!

they could, if it wasn’t ME who loves you and believes in you…
maybe then you would have a reason to droop. 
But as I DO love you,
there is no more excuses, never again! 
like bad luck – for the excuses!)


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13 Comment

  1. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 7:02

    bjutifull :O))))))

  2. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 7:36

    I love the connection of the both of our energies! 🙂

    And I am so happy and proud to participate in what you are doing! Thanks for giving me the opportunity!

    I <3 U!!!

  3. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 7:36

    Na endlich…wird ja auch Zeit, daß Liebesbotschaft weltberühmt wird;) freu mich für alle, die sich jetzt auch Deine wertvollen Botschaften "einverleiben" können…..Einfach schön!
    Herzensgruß aus München

    Tanja Seidenfaden

  4. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 8:42

    Erm…Close but no cigar? When you've gone "native" for a while, some turns of phrase jump out at you as translated literally, but I guess that really needs the experience of being completely submerged in a foreign language over a long period of time, so: Keep at it. And for the last polish we all stay in the Hamptons for the summer…? 🙂

  5. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 9:02

    Fantastic news for my English speaking friends! Now they will understand why I am so excited about your Blog!

  6. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 9:04

    Ähm… Es gab doch immer die Übersetzungsfunktion, auf die ich, wenn ich einen Link von dir nach GB geschickt habe, hingewiesen habe. Meine englischen Freund/innen kamen insoweit immer in den Genuss deines Blogs… Also warst und bist du (und andere Blogger/innen) doch schon immer international…?


  7. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 9:04

    Finally! 😉 Reading Your posts in German is very difficult. Now I'm learning German, but still I don't know many of words, so I have always problems with the content (stitting with vocabulary is not comfortable 😉 ). Now it will be so much easier! Have a beautiful day, greetings!

  8. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 9:06

    jes, it is :-)))!

    YOU ♥♥♥!!!

    I'll take the option with:
    "the Hamptons for the summer", please!


  9. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 9:34

    Nic, see you in the hamptons! 😉

  10. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 10:43

    hmmm Polnisch vielleicht?;))))))
    ja, ich weiss, bin unverschämt 🙂

  11. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 10:47

    moj polski jest taki okropny :-(…

  12. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 11:54

    Wie wärs mit Italienisch? Das würde ich gerne können und Dein Blog wäre
    dann eine tolle Motivationsquelle für mich!

    Ariwädärtschi dolcezza Joanna


  13. Reply
    20. Februar 2013 at 14:11

    Boah hab ich nen Schock gekrigt, als da auf einmal die Kissenparade statt des Apfels war.Das kannst Du mir doch nicht antun!:)

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